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Romeralo C., Díez J.J., Santiago N.F. (2012) - Presence of fungi in Scots pine needles found to correlate with air quality as measured by bioindicators in northern Spain - [Artículos]

PRIETO-RECIO, C., BRAVO, F., DIEZ, J. (2012) - REsource INFrastructure for monitoring and adapting European Atlantic FORests under Changing climatE (REINFFORCE): Establishing a network of arboretums and demonstration sites to assess damages caused by biotic and abiotic factors - [Artículos]

MÄKELA A., RÍO M., HYNYNEN J., HAWKINS M.J., REYER C., SOARES P., VAN OIJEN M., TOMÉ M (2012) - Using stand-scale forest models for estimating indicators of sustainable forest management - [Artículos]

MORA J.V., RÍO M., BRAVO-OVIEDO A. (2012) - Dynamic growth and yield model for Black pine stands in Spain. - [Artículos]

Gómez, C.; Wulder, M.A.; Montes, F.; Delgado, J.A. (2012) - Modeling Forest Structural Parameters in the Mediterranean Pines of Central Spain using QuickBird-2 Imagery and Classification and Regression Tree Analysis (CART) - [Artículos]

Gómez, C.; Wulder, M.A.; White, J.C.; Montes, F.; Delgado, J.A. (2012) - Characterizing 25 years of change in the area, distribution, and carbon stock of Mediterranean pines in Central Spain - [Artículos]

OLIVAR, J., BOGINO, S., SPIECKER, H., BRAVO, F. (2012) - Climate impact on growth dynamic and intra-annual density fluctuations in Aleppo pine ( Pinus halepensis ) trees of different crown classes - [Artículos]

Romeralo, C. (2012) - Effect of putative mitoviruses on growth of Gremmeniella abietina isolates in vitro and on its pathogenicity on Pinus halepensis seedlings - [Tesis]

DE LOS BUEIS MELLADO, T. (2012) - Influencia de los parámetros edáficos, topográficos y climáticos sobre el índice de sitio de Pinus sylvestris L. en las masas de León y Palencia - [Tesis]

Hernández-Rodríguez, M. (2012) - Early effects of different silvicultural treatments on fungal production and diversity in Cistus ladanifer L. scrublands - [Tesis]

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ETS Ingenierías Agrarias Universidad de Valladolid - Avd. Madrid s/n
34004 - PALENCIA - Localización

INIA-CIFOR - Ctra. A Coruña km 7,5
28040 - MADRID - Localización