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RUIZ-PEINADO, R., BRAVO-OVIEDO A., MONTERO G., RÍO M. (2016) - Carbon stocks in a Scots pine afforestation under different thinning intensities management - [Artículos]

Fuentes-Pérez, J. F.; Sanz-Ronda, F. J.; Martínez de Azagra, A.; García-Vega, A. (2016) - Non-uniform hydraulic behavior of pool-weir fishways: A tool to optimize its design and performance - [Artículos]

MEDIAVILLA O., OLAIZOLA J., SANTOS-DEL-BLANCO L., ORIA-DE-RUEDA J.A., MARTÍN-PINTO P. (2016) - Mycorrhization between Cistus ladanifer L. and Boletus edulis Bull is enhanced by the mycorrhiza helper bacteria Pseudomonas fluorescens Migula - [Artículos]

Muñoz-Adalia, E.J.; Fernández, M.M.; Diez, JJ. (2016) - The use of mycoviruses in the control of forest diseases - [Artículos]

Martínez-Jauregui M.; Herruzo A.C.; Carranza J.; Torres-Porras J.; Campos P. (2016) - Environmental Price of Game Animal Stocks - [Artículos]

Fernández-Olalla M.; Martínez-Jauregui M; Perea R.; Velamazán M.; San Miguel A. (2016) - Threat or opportunity? Browsing preferences and potential impact of Ammotragus lervia on woody plants of a Mediterranean protected area - [Artículos]

Olthoff, A.; Martínez-Ruiz, C.; Alday, J.G. (2016) - Distribution patterns of forest species along an Atlantic-Mediterranean environmental gradient: an approach from forest inventory data - [Artículos]

Villanueva-López G., Martínez-Zurimendi P., Ramírez-Avilés L., Aryal D.R., Casanova-Lugo F. (2016) - Live fences reduce the diurnal and seasonal fluctuations of soil CO2 emissions in livestock systems - [Artículos]

Alday, J.G.; Zaldívar. P.; Torroba-Balmori, P.; Fernández-Santos, B.; Martínez-Ruiz, C. (2016) - Natural forest expansion on reclaimed coal mines in Northern Spain: the role of native shrubs as suitable microsites. - [Artículos]

Tesfaye, M.A.; Bravo-Oviedo, A.; Bravo, F.; Ruiz-Peinado, R. (2016) - Aboveground biomass equations for sustainable production of fuelwood in a native dry tropical afro-montane forest of Ethiopia - [Artículos]

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