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Bravo, F., Maguire, D.A., González-Martínez, S.C. (2017) - Factors affecting cone production in Pinus pinaster Ait.: lack of growth-reproduction trade-offs but significant effects of climate and tree and stand characteristics - [Artículos]

Juez L, González-Martinez SC, Nanos , de-Lucas AI, Ordóñez AC, Del Peso C, Bravo F, (2014) - Can seed production and restricted dispersal limit recruitment in Pinus pinaster Aiton from the Spanish Northern Plateau? - [Artículos]

DEL PESO, C., RUANO, I., GONZÁLEZ, S., BRAVO, F. (2013) - Efecto de la cobertura del suelo en la nascencia y supervivencia de plántulas de Pinus pinaster en Meseta Castellana - [Congresos]

Bravo F., Álvarez-González J.G., Río M., Barrio M., Bonet J.A., Bravo-Oviedo A., Calama R., Castedo-Dorado F., Crecente-Campo F., Condes S., Diéguez-Aranda U., González-Martínez S.C., Lizarralde I., Nanos N., Madrigal A., Martínez-Millán F.J., Montero G., Ordóñez C., Palahi M., Piqué M., Rodríguez F., Rodríguez-Soalleiro R., Rojo A., Ruiz-Peinado R., Sánchez-González M.O, Trasobares A., Vázquez-Piqué J. (2011) - Growth and yield models in Spain: historical overview, contemporary examples and perspectives - [Artículos]

de-Lucas AI, González-Martínez SC, Hidalgo E, Bravo F, Heuertz M (2009) - Admixture, one-source colonization or long-term persistence of maritime pine in the Castilian Plateau? Insights from nuclear microsatellite markers - [Artículos]

NANOS, N., GONZÁLEZ-MARTÍNEZ, S.C., BRAVO, F. (2004) - Studying within-stand structure and dynamics with geostatistical and molecular marker tools - [Artículos]


ETS Ingenierías Agrarias Universidad de Valladolid - Avd. Madrid s/n
34004 - PALENCIA - Localización

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