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García-Llamas, P., Suarez-Seoane, S., Taboada, A., Fernández-Manso, A., Quintano, C., Fernández-García, V., Fernández-Guisuraga, J.M., Marcos, E., Calvo, L. (2019) - Environmental drivers of fire severity in extreme fire events that affect Mediterranean pine forest ecosystems. - [Artículos]

Santos del Blanco, Luis; Tudor, Eleri; Pannell, John R. (2019) - Low siring success of females with an acquired male function illustrates the legacy of sexual dimorphism in constraining the breakdown of dioecy - [Artículos]

Ma, Wen-Juan; Santos del Blanco, Luis; Pannell, John R (2019) - A new biological species in the Mercurialis annua polyploid complex: functional divergence in inflorescence morphology and hybrid sterility - [Artículos]

VIZCAÍNO-PALOMAR N., BENITO GARZÓN M., ALÍA R., GIOVANNELLI G., HUBER G., MUTKE S., PASTUSZKA P., RAFFIN A., SBAY H., ŠEHO M., VAUTHIER D., FADY B (2019) - Geographic variation of tree height of three pine species (Pinus nigra Arn., P. pinaster Aiton and P. pinea L.) gathered from common gardens in Europe and North-Africa - [Artículos]

Alfonso Juárez-García, Pablo Martínez-Zurimendi, Bruce G. Ferguson, Marivel Domínguez-Domínguez, Gilberto Villanueva-López (2019) - Effect of focal trees on the regeneration of tree species in pastures of southwest Mexico - [Artículos]

Marivel Domínguez-Domínguez, Joel Zavala-Cruz, Joaquín A. Rincón-Ramírez, Pablo Martínez-Zurimendi (2019) - Management Strategies for the Conservation, Restoration and Utilization of Mangroves in Southeastern Mexico - [Artículos]

Rosario Sierra-de-Grado, Valentín Pando, Pablo Martínez-Zurimendi, Bruno Moulia (2019) - Is the Responsiveness to Light Related to the Differences in Stem Straightness among Populations of Pinus pinaster? - [Artículos]

del Río M, Bravo-Oviedo A, Ruiz-Peinado R, Condés S (2019) - Tree allometry variation in response to intra-and inter-specific competitions - [Artículos]

Fernández, M. ;Naves, P. ;Witzell, J. ;Musolin, D.L. ;Selikhovkin, A.V. ;Paraschiv, M. ;Chira, D. ;Martínez-Álvarez, P ;Martín-García, J ;Muñoz-Adalia, E.J. ;Altunisik, A. ;Massimino, G.E. ;Di Silvestro, S. ;Zamora, C. ;Diez, J (2019) - Pitch canker disease and insects: Relationships and implications for the spreading - [Artículos]

Martín-García, J ;Zas, R ;Solla, A ;Woodward, S. ;Hantula, J. ;Vainio, E. ;Mullett, M. ;Morales-Rodríguez, C. ;Vannini, A. ;Martínez-Álvarez, P. ;Pinto, G. ;Alves, A. ;Amaral, J. ;Wingfield, M.J. ;Fourie, G. ;Steenkamp, E.T. ;Ahumada, R. ;Será, B. ;Sanz-Ros, A.V. ;Raposo, R. ;Elvira-Recuenco, M. ;Iturritxa, E. ;Gordon, T.R. ;Diez, J.J. (2019) - Environmentally friendly methods for controlling pine pitch - [Artículos]

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