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Romeralo C., Witzell J., Romeralo-Tapia R., Botella L., Diez J.J. (2015) - Antagonistic activity of fungal endophyte filtrates against Gremmeniella abietina infections on Aleppo pine seedlings. - [Artículos]

Romeralo C., Witzell J., Diez J.J. (2015) - Aleppo pine provenances vary in susceptibility and secondary chemical response to Gremmeniella abietina infection - [Artículos]

Romeralo C. (2015) - Management of Gremmeniella abietina by means of biological control agents and host resistance - [Tesis]

Muñoz-Adalia, E.J.; Jubete, F.; Zumalacárregui, C.; Baglione, V. (2015) - Hydrological management in a restored wetland affects stopover ecology of Aquatic Warbler: the case of La Nava wetland, northern Spain - [Artículos]

Martinez-Jauregui M.; Herruzo A.C.; Campos P. (2015) - What does hunting market price reflect? The role of species, landscape and management - [Artículos]

Bernard PRÉVOSTO, José A. REQUE, Christian RIPERT, Jordane GAVINET, Roland ESTÈVE, Jean-Michel LOPEZ et Fabien GUERRA (2015) - Semer les chênes méditerranéens Quercus ilex, Quercus pubescens : pourquoi, comment et avec quelle réussite ? - [Artículos]

B. Prevosto, J.A. Reque, M.E. Lucas-Borja, J. Ladier, A. Vilagrosa (2015) - Increasing resistance and resilience of Mediterranean conifer forests: the experience of Spain and France and their implications for management - [Congresos]

Hernández-Rodríguez, M.; Oria-de-Rueda, J. A.; Pando, V.; Martín-Pinto, P. (2015) - Impact of fuel reduction treatments on fungal sporocarp production and diversity associated with Cistus ladanifer L. ecosystems - [Artículos]

Hernández-Rodríguez, M.; de-Miguel, S.; Pukkala, T.; Oria-de-Rueda, J. A.; Martín-Pinto, P. (2015) - Climate-sensitive models for mushroom yields and diversity in Cistus ladanifer scrublands - [Artículos]

Garrido,F.; San Martín, R.; Lario, F.J.; Sierra-de-Grado, R. (2015) - Root structure and biomass partitioning in tilted plants from twisted-and straight-stemmed populations of Pinus pinaster Ait - [Artículos]

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