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J. Ferna´ndez-Moya • A. San Miguel-Ayanz • I. Cañellas • G. Gea-Izquierdo (2011) - Variability in Mediterranean annual grassland diversity driven by small-scale changes in fertility and radiation - [Artículos]

BARBEITO, I., LEMAY, V., CALAMA, R., CAÑELLAS, I. (2011) - Regeneration of Mediterranean Pinus sylvestris under two alternative shelterwood systems within a multiscale framework - [Artículos]

MARTÍN-BENITO, D., KINT, V., RÍO, M., MUYS, B., CAÑELLAS, I. (2011) - Growth responses of West-Mediterranean Pinus nigra to climate change are modulated by competition and productivity: past trends and future prespectives - [Artículos]

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ETS Ingenierías Agrarias Universidad de Valladolid - Avd. Madrid s/n
34004 - PALENCIA - Localización

INIA-CIFOR - Ctra. A Coruña km 7,5
28040 - MADRID - Localización