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Romeralo C., Witzell J., Romeralo-Tapia R., Botella L., Diez J.J. (2015) - Antagonistic activity of fungal endophyte filtrates against Gremmeniella abietina infections on Aleppo pine seedlings. - [Artículos]

Martínez-Álvarez, P.; Vainio, E.J.; Botella, L.; Hantula, J.; Diez, J.J. (2014) - Three mitovirus strains infecting a single isolate of Fusarium circinatum are the first putative members of the family Narnaviridae detected in a fungus of the genus Fusarium - [Artículos]

Romeralo C., Botella, L., Santamaría O., Díez J.J. (2012) - Effect of putative mitoviruses on in vitro growth of Gremmeniella abietina isolates under different laboratory conditions - [Artículos]

Romeralo, C. (2012) - Effect of putative mitoviruses on growth of Gremmeniella abietina isolates in vitro and on its pathogenicity on Pinus halepensis seedlings - [Tesis]

C. Prieto-Recio, C. Romeralo, D. Bezos, J. Martín-García, P. Martínez-Álvarez, L. Botella, J. J. Diez (2012) - First Report of Heterobasidion annosum on Pinus pinaster in Spain - [Artículos]

Leticia Botella Sánchez (2008) - Does Spanish isolates of Gremmeniella abietina constitute a new Biotype within the European race? - [Tesis]


ETS Ingenierías Agrarias Universidad de Valladolid - Avd. Madrid s/n
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