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ALDEA J., BRAVO, F., BRAVO-OVIEDO, A., RUIZ-PEINADO, R., RODRÍGUEZ, F., RÍO, M. (2017) - Thinning enhances the species-specific radial increment response to drought in Mediterranean pine-oak stands - [Artículos]

DIRNBERGER G., STERBA, H., CONDÉS, S., AMMER, C., ANNIGHÖFER, P., AVDAGIĆ, A., BIELAK, K., BRAZAITIS, G., COLL, L., HEYM, M., HURT, V., KURYLYAK, V., MOTTA, R., PACH, M., PONETTE, Q., RUIZ-PEINADO, R., SKRZYSZEWSKI, J., ŠRÁMEK, V., DE STREEL, G., SVOBODA, M., ZLATANOV, T., PRETZSCH, H (2017) - Species proportions by area in mixtures of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) - [Artículos]

Ruth C. Martín-Sanz , Marta Callejas-Díaz, Jeanne Tonnabel, José M. Climent (2017) - Maintenance costs of serotiny in a variably serotinous pine: The role of water supply - [Artículos]

Madrigal J.,Fernández-Migueláñez I, Guijarro M, Hernando C, Tolosana E, Vega D. (2017) - Does exploitation of forest biomass for energy purposes reduce fire hazard in the Mediterranean Basin? A case study in the Caroig Massif (Eastern Spain) - [Artículos]

Fares S., Bajocco,S., Salvati L., Camarretta N., Dupuy J. L., Xanthopoulos G., Guijarro M, Madrigal J, Hernando C, Corona, P. (2017) - Characterizing potential wildland fire fuel in live vegetation in the Mediterranean region - [Artículos]

Minoche, Djhon; Herrero de Aza, Celia; Dominguez-Dominguez, Marivel; Martínez-Zurimendi, Pablo (2017) - Determining the site index of Teak (Tectona grandis L.) plantations in Tabasco, Mexico - [Artículos]

Iván Ramos-Diez, Joaquín Navarro-Hevia, Roberto San Martín Fernández, Jorge Mongil-Manso (2017) - Final Analysis of the accuracy and precision of methods to calculate the sediment retained by check dams - [Artículos]

Della Rocca G, Madrigal J, Marchi E, Michelozzi M, Moya B, Danti R (2017) - Relevance of terpenoids on flammability of Mediterranean species: an experimental approach at a low radiant heat flux - [Artículos]

José Riofrío, Miren del Río, Hans Pretzsch, Felipe Bravo (2017) - Changes in structural heterogeneity and stand productivity by mixing Scots pine and Maritime pine - [Artículos]

FM Alves-Santos, D Bezos, P Martínez-Alvarez, MM Fernández y J Díez (2017) - Control biológico de la enfermedad del chancro resinoso del pino - [Capítulos de libros]

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ETS Ingenierías Agrarias Universidad de Valladolid - Avd. Madrid s/n
34004 - PALENCIA - Localización

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