Sánchez S, de Miguel AM, Sáez R, Martín-Santafé M, Águeda B, Barriuso JJ, García-Barreda S, Salvador-Alcalde S, Reyna S. 2016. La trufa de verano en España: estado actual y potencialidad de cultivo y estado actual. ITEA-Información Técnica Agraria 112: 20-33. doi: 10.12706/itea.2016.007
Ágreda T, Águeda B, Fernández-Toirán M, Vicente-Serrano SM, Olano JM. 2016. Long-term monitoring reveals a highly structured interspecific variability in climatic control of sporocarp production. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 223: 39-47. doi: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2016.03.015
De Miguel AM, Águeda B, Sáez R, Sánchez S, Parladé J. 2016. Diversity of ectomycorrhizal Thelephoraceae in Tuber melanosporum-cultivated orchards of Northern Spain. Mycorrhiza 26: 227-236. doi: 10.1007/s00572-015-0665-0
Ágreda T, Águeda B, Olano JM, Vicente-Serrano SM, Fernández-Toirán M. 2015. Increased evapotranspiration demand in a Mediterranean climate might cause a decline in fungal yields under global warming. Global Change Biology 21: 3499-3510. doi:10.1111/gcb.12960
Águeda B, Zambonelli A, Molina R. 2014. Tuber 2013: scientific advances in sustainable truffle culture. Mycorrhiza 24(S1): 1-4. doi: 10.1007/s00572-014-0569-4
Alonso Ponce R, Ágreda T, Águeda B, Aldea J, Martínez-Peña F, Modrego MP. 2014. Soil physical properties influence ‘black truffle’ fructification in plantations. Mycorrhiza24 (S1): 55-64. doi: 10.1007/s00572-014-0558-7
Sánchez S, Ágreda T, Águeda B, Martín M, De Miguel AM, Barriuso J. 2014. Persistence and detection of black truffle ectomycorrhizas in plantations: comparison between two field detection methods. Mycorrhiza 24 (S1): 39-46. doi: 10.1007/s00572-014-0560-0
De Miguel AM, Águeda B, Sánchez S, Parladé J. 2014. Ectomycorrhizal fungus diversity and community structure with natural and cultivated truffle hosts: applying lessons learned to future truffle culture. Mycorrhiza 24 (S1): 5-18. doi: 10.1007/s00572-013-0554-3
Ágreda T, Cisneros Ó, Águeda B, Fernández-Toirán LM. 2014. Age class influence on the yield of edible fungi in a managed Mediterranean forest. Mycorrhiza 24(2): 143-152. doi: 10.1007/s00572-013-0522-y
de la Varga H, Águeda B, Ágreda T, Martínez-Peña F, Parladé J, Pera J. 2013. Seasonal dynamics of Boletus edulis and Lactarius deliciosus extraradical mycelium in pine forests of central Spain. Mycorrhiza 23(5): 391-402. doi: 10.1007/s00572-013-0481-3
Martínez-Peña F, Ágreda T, Águeda B, Ortega-Martínez P, Fernández-Toirán LM. 2012. Edible sporocarp production by age class in a Scots pine stand in Northern Spain. Mycorrhiza 22 (3): 167-174. doi: 10.1007/s00572-011-0389-8
de la Varga H, Águeda B, Martínez-Peña F, Parladé J, Pera J. 2012. Quantification of extraradical soil mycelium and ectomycorrhizas of Boletus edulis in a Scots pine forest with variable sporocarp productivity. Mycorrhiza 22 (1): 59-68. doi: 10.1007/s00572-011-0382-2
Alonso Ponce R, Águeda B, Ágreda T, Modrego MP, Aldea J, Fernández-Toirán LM, Martínez-Peña F. 2011. Rockroses and Boletus edulis ectomycorrhizal association: realized niche and climatic suitability in Spain. Fungal Ecology 4(3), 224-232. doi: 10.1016/j.funeco.2010.10.002
Ortega-Martínez P, Águeda B, Fernández-Toirán LM, Martinez-Peña F. 2011. Tree age influence in development of edible ectomycorrhizal fungi sporocarps in Pinus sylvestris stands. Mycorrhiza 21(1), 65-70. doi: 10.1007/s00572-010-0320-8
Alonso Ponce R, Águeda B, Ágreda T, Modrego MP, Aldea J, Martínez-Peña F. 2010. Un modelo de potencialidad climática para la trufa negra (Tuber melanosporum) en Teruel (España). Forests Systems 19(2), 208-220.
Águeda B, Fernández-Toirán LM, De Miguel AM, Martínez-Peña F. 2010. Ectomycorrhizal status of a mature productive truffle plantation. Forest Systems 19(1), 89-97.
Águeda B, Parladé J, Fernández-Toirán LM, Cisneros Ó, de Miguel AM, Modrego MP, Martínez-Peña F, Pera J. 2008. Mycorrhizal synthesis between Boletus edulis species complex and rockroses (Cistus sp.). Mycorrhiza 18(8): 443-449. doi: 10.1007/s00572-008-0192-3
Fernández-Toirán LM, Águeda B. 2007. Fruitbodies of Cenococcum geophilum. Mycotaxon 100: 109-114.
Águeda B, Parladé J, de Miguel AM, Martínez-Peña F. 2006. Characterization and identification of field ectomycorrhizae of Boletus edulis and Cistus ladanifer. Mycologia 98(1): 23-30.
Zambonelli A, Águeda B. 2014. Special Issue: Tuber 2013: new insights on the biology, ecology, and cultivation of truffles. Mycorrhiza 24 (S1). Guest Editors.