My research is focused on the effects of disturbances, climatic patterns and global change on growth and survival of trees. I use annual growth rings to assess the impact of climate variation and past management on temperate and Mediterranean forests in Europe and South America. I am also interested in reconstructing past fire regimes and evaluating the differential behaviour of the sexes in dioecious woody species.
Education and former positions
- 2015-present – Botany Lab, EiFAB (University of Valladolid, Soria campus)
- 2015 – Visiting researcher (PAI-MEC program, CONICYT, Austral University of Chile, 6 mo.)
- 2013 – Contracted technician (project ROCLIGAL-10MDS291009PR, 3 mo.)
- 2009 – Post-doctoral researcher (JAEDoc program, CSIC, Misión Biológica de Galicia, 3 yr.)
- 2004 – Post-doctoral researcher (INIA-CCAA system, CINAM Lourizán, Xunta de Galicia, 5 yr.)
- 2000 – Professional Biologist
- 1999 – PhD in Botany (University of Oviedo)
- 1994 – Degree in Biology (University of Oviedo)
Recent publications (2015-2020)
Gazol A, Camarero JJ, Sánchez‐Salguero R, Vicente‐Serrano SM, Serra‐Maluquer X, Gutiérrez E, de Luis M, Sangüesa‐Barreda G, Novak K, Rozas V, Tíscar PA, Linares JC, Martínez del Castillo E, Ribas M, García‐González I, Silla F, Camisón A, Génova M, Olano JM, Hereş AM, Curiel Yuste J, Longares LA, Hevia A, Tomas‐Burguera M, Galván JD (2020) Drought legacies are short, prevail in dry conifer forests and depend on growth variability. Journal of Ecology 108: 2473-2484. -link-
Vázquez-González C, Zas R, Erbilgin N, Ferrenberg S, Rozas V, Sampedro L (2020) Resin ducts as resistance traits in conifers: Linking dendrochronology and resin-based defenses. Tree Physiology 40: 1313–1326. -link-
Rozas V, Sampedro L, Vázquez-González C, Solla A, Vivas M, Lombardero MJ, Zas R (2020) Site conditions exert more control than genetic differentiation on modulation of secondary growth and climate sensitivity of Pinus pinaster. Dendrochronologia 63: 125732. -link-
Vázquez-González C, Sampedro L, Rozas V, Zas R (2020) Climate drives intraspecific differentiation in the expression of growth-defence trade-offs in a long-lived pine species. Scientific Reports 10: 10584. -link-
Zas R, Sampedro L, Solla A, Vivas M, Lombardero MJ, Alía R, Rozas V (2020) Dendroecology in common gardens: Population differentiation and plasticity in resistance, recovery and resilience to extreme drought events in Pinus pinaster. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 291: 108060. -link-
Fernández de Castro AG, Rozas V, Fuertes-Aguilar J, Moreno-Saiz JC (2020) Demographic and dendrochronological evidence reveals highly endangered status of a paleoendemic woody mallow from the Canary Islands. Biodiversity and Conservation 29: 469-485. -link-
Vicente-Serrano SM, Martín-Hernández N, Camarero JJ, Gazol A, Sánchez-Salguero R, Peña-Gallardo M, El Kenawy A, Domínguez-Castro F, Tomas-Burguera M, Gutiérrez E, de Luis M, Sangüesa-Barreda G, Novak K, Rozas V, Tíscar PA, Linares JC, Martínez del Castillo E, Ribas M, García-González I, Silla F, Camisón A, Génova M, Olano JM, Longares LA, Hevia A, Diego Galván J (2020) Linking tree-ring growth and satellite-derived gross primary growth in multiple forest biomes. Temporal-scale matters. Ecological Indicators 108: 105753. -link-
García-Cervigón AI, García-Hidalgo M, Martín-Esquivel JL, Rozas V, Sangüesa-Barreda G, Olano JM (2019) The Patriarch: a Canary Islands juniper that has survived human pressure and volcanic activity for a millennium. Ecology 100: e02780. –link–
Rozas V, Le Quesne C, Rojas-Badilla M, González-Reyes Á, Donoso S, Olano JM (2019) Climatic cues for secondary growth and cone production are sex-dependent in the long-lived dioecious conifer Araucaria araucana. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 274: 132–143. –link–
Sangüesa-Barreda G, Villalba R, Rozas V, Christie DA, Olano JM (2019) Detecting Nothofagus pumilio growth reductions induced by past spring frosts at the northern Patagonian Andes. Frontiers in Plant Science 10: 1413. -link-
Serra-Maluquer X, Gazol A, Sangüesa-Barreda G, Sánchez-Salguero R, Rozas V, Colangelo M, Gutiérrez E, Camarero JJ (2019) Geographically structured growth decline of rear-edge Iberian Fagus sylvatica forests after the 1980s shift toward a warmer climate. Ecosystems 22: 1325–1337. –link–
Arzac A, Rozas V, Rozenberg P, Olano JM (2018) Water availability controls Pinus pinaster xylem growth and density: A multi-proxy approach along its environmental range. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 250–251: 171–180. –link–
Gazol A, Camarero JJ, Vicente-Serrano SM, Sánchez-Salguero R, Gutiérrez E, de Luis M, Sangüesa-Barreda G, Novak K, Rozas V, Tíscar PA, Linares JC, Martín-Hernández N, Martínez del Castillo E, Ribas M, García-González I, Silla F, Camisón A, Génova M, Olano JM, Longares LA, Hevia A, Tomás-Burguera M, Galván JD (2018) Forest resilience to drought varies across biomes. Global Change Biology 24: 2143–2158. –link–
Peña-Gallardo M, Vicente-Serrano SM, Camarero JJ, Gazol A, Sánchez-Salguero R, Domínguez-Castro F, El Kenawy A, Beguería-Portugés S, Gutiérrez E, de Luis M, Sangüesa-Barreda G, Novak K, Rozas V, Tíscar PA, Linares JC, del Castillo E, Matamoros MR, García-González I, Silla F, Camisón Á, Génova M, Olano JM, Longares LA, Hevia A, Galván JD (2018) Drought sensitiveness on forest growth in peninsular Spain and the Balearic Islands. Forests 9: 524. –link–
Pérez-de-Lis G, Rozas V, Vázquez-Ruiz RA, García-González I (2018) Do ring-porous oaks prioritize earlywood vessel efficiency over safety? Environmental effects on vessel diameter and tyloses formation. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 248: 205–214. –link–
Rodríguez-Ramírez EC, Luna-Vega I, Rozas V (2018) Tree-ring research of Mexican beech (Fagus grandifolia subsp mexicana) a relict tree endemic to Eastern Mexico. Tree-Ring Research 74: 94–107. –link–
Rozas V, Le Quesne C, Rojas-Badilla M, González ME, González-Reyes A (2018) Coupled human-climate signals on the fire history of upper Cachapoal Valley, Mediterranean Andes of Chile, since 1201 CE. Global and Planetary Change 167: 137–147. –link–
Souto-Herrero M, Rozas V, García-González I (2018) Chronologies of earlywood vessels and latewood width disentangle climate drivers of oak growth in a mild oceanic region. Dendrochronologia 51: 40–53. –link–
Souto-Herrero M, Rozas V, García-González I (2018) Earlywood vessels and latewood width explain the role of climate on wood formation of Quercus pyrenaica Willd across the Atlantic-Mediterranean boundary in NW Iberia. Forest Ecology and Management 425: 126–137. –link–
Olano JM, Brito P, González-Rodríguez AM, Martín-Esquivel JL, García-Hidalgo M, Rozas V (2017) Thirsty peaks: Drought events drive keystone shrub decline in an oceanic island mountain. Biological Conservation 215: 99–106. –link–
Pérez-de-Lis G, Olano JM, Rozas V, Rossi S, Vázquez-Ruiz RA, García-González I (2017) Environmental conditions and vascular cambium regulate carbon allocation to xylem growth in deciduous oaks. Functional Ecology 31: 592–603. –link–
Souto-Herrero M, Rozas V, García-González I (2017) A 481-year chronology of oak earlywood vessels as an age-independent climatic proxy in NW Iberia. Global and Planetary Change 155: 20–28. –link–
DeSoto L, Olano JM, Rozas V (2016) Secondary growth and carbohydrate storage patterns differ between sexes in Juniperus thurifera. Frontiers in Plant Science 7: 723. –link–
Pérez-De-Lis G, García-González I, Rozas V, Olano JM (2016) Feedbacks between earlywood anatomy and non-structural carbohydrates affect spring phenology and wood production in ring-porous oaks. Biogeosciences 13: 5499–5510. –link–
Pérez-de-Lis G, Rossi S, Vázquez-Ruiz RA, Rozas V, García-González I (2016) Do changes in spring phenology affect earlywood vessels? Perspective from the xylogenesis monitoring of two sympatric ring-porous oaks. New Phytologist 209: 521–530. –link–
Zalloni E, de Luis M, Campelo F, Novak K, De Micco V, Di Filippo A, Vieira J, Nabais C, Rozas V, Battipaglia G (2016) Climatic signals from intra-annual density fluctuation frequency in Mediterranean pines at a regional scale. Frontiers in Plant Science 7: 579. –link–
Bogino S, Roa-Giménez SC, Velasco-Sastre AT, Cangiano ML, Risio-Allione L, Rozas V (2015) Synergetic effects of fire, climate, and management history on Prosopis caldenia recruitment in the Argentinean pampas. Journal of Arid Environments 117: 59–66. –link–
Olano JM, García-Cervigón AI, Arzac A, Rozas V (2015) Intra-annual wood density fluctuations and tree-ring width patterns are sex-and site-dependent in the dioecious conifer Juniperus thurifera L. Trees 29: 1341–1353. –link–
Rozas V (2015) Individual-based approach as a useful tool to disentangle the relative importance of tree age, size and inter-tree competition in dendroclimatic studies. iForest 8: 187. –link–
Rozas V, Camarero JJ, Sangüesa-Barreda G, Souto M, García-González I (2015) Summer drought and ENSO-related cloudiness distinctly drive Fagus sylvatica growth near the species rear-edge in northern Spain. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 201: 153–164. –link–