Virtual Forest Tours

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Field trips are essential in didactics in forestry. Unfortunaltely, problems like accesibility, climatic conditions, class size, budget, etc. make it impracticable to develop  an complete forest field trip program during the ordinary couses. The forest virtual tour program develops a set of virtual tours as an adjunct to placement field courses. The virtual tours are formed around online interactive forest walkthrougs in real forest realities. You can freely navigate through linked panoramas and are invited to deepen in the virtual forest world.

Find more information about our forest virtual tours and the project Bringing the forest to the classroom in our blog or take a look to the video

Virtual Visits

Marteloscope XAMK (Mikkeli, Finland)

Key words: Forestry, silviculture, harvesting, thinning, clear-cut, tending, regeneration, Hippala, Mikkeli, BIOECON.EU, ERASMUS MUNDUS



MARTELOSCOPE_TUAF_Thai Nguyen University of Forestry, Vietnam

Key words: Forestry, silviculture, thinnings, afforestation. Me Linh station for biodiversity, Phuc Yen, Vietnam, BIOECON.EU, ERASMUS MUNDUS

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MARTELOSCOPE_Vietnam National University 1
Key words: Marteloscope, Acacia, Silviculture, plantation, Campus Hòa Lạc, Thạch Thất, Hanói, Vietnam, BIOECON.EU, ERASMUS MUNDUS

Key words: Marteloscope, Pinus sylvestris, Pinus nigra, Quercus pyrenaica, silviculture, Saldaña, Palencia, Spain, WWW.BIOECON.EU, ERASMUS MUNDUS

Afforestation & diversification (presentation 7th SPANISH NATIONAL FOREST CONGRESS) (in spanish) 
Key words: Quercus ilex, Quercus faginea, acorn, sowing, thinning, Pinus pinea, Pinus halepensis
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Comunication to 7th spanish national forest congress

Thinning Pinus nigra 
Key words:
afforestation, silviculture, salzmanii, horse skidding, saca tracción animal, caballo


Thinning Quercus pyrenaica
Key words:
silviculture, conversion, coppice, resprouting, fuelwood, oak, roble
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Conversion thinning Quercus ilex
Key words: coppice, asexual regeneration, resprouting, firewood, biomass


Uneven-aged silviculture
Key words:
multi-layered, irregular, entresaca, Plenterwald, Quercus ilex, Quercus faginea, Pinus pinea, Pinus pinaster, pignons
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Silvicultura treatments
Key words: thinnings, coppice, shelterwood, even-aged, uneven-aged, clearcut, conversion, seed tree, regeneration

Pinus pinea and P. pinea NON WOODY
Key words: Pignons, resin, thinning. biomass, shelterwood, regeneration

Plantation forestry
Key words:
 Poplar , Populus, I-214, veneer, chopo, desenrollo

Wildfire silviculture
Key words:
Pinus halepensis, forest structure, fuelbreak, fuel model, estructura forestal, cortafuego, modelo combustible, selvicultura, incendio forestal, Ampudia, Palencia, Spain

Silvics of mediterranean species
Key words: Silviculture, forestry, Pinus, Quercus
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Coppice silviculture (Castenea sativa)
Coppicing has been a dominant silvicultural treatment in Europe until the last decades of the XXth century. Visit now modern coppice forestry.
Key words: asexual reproduction, chestnut, silviculture, monte bajo, rebrote, even-aged, Sarlat, France
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Thinnings Pinus sylvestris
During the second half of the XXth a broad afforestation effort was undertaken in Spain. Decades later thinnings are essential in order to improve the forests, to achieve incomes for the owners of the forests (in this tour local, municipalities), to open opportunities for the creation of more diverse and resilient forest, etc.
Key words: Scots pine, Quercus pyrenaica, harvester, thinning, claras, raleo, pino silvestre, afforestation, pellet, biomass

Silvicultural systems
A virtual tour trough the main silvicultural systems with a special focus on mediterranean forestry
Key words: Even-aged, uneven-aged, plantation, coppice, mediterranean, silviculture, coetáneo, irregular, regular, monte bajo
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Forest diagniosis &Thinnings Pinus halepensis
A tour through the stand typing process with a special focus on Aleppo pine (P. halepensis) soil protection afforestations and silviculture. 
Key words: Aleppo pine, stand typing, silviculture, thinning, biomass, harvesting, claras, raleo, pellet
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Afforestation silviculture
A trip to soil protection silviculture. We will visit forests reforested in the middle of the XXth century. By then strong erosion problems were clearly visible. Today, active silvicultural management is needed in order to mantain the protective function and to achieve more diverse and resilent forest structures
Key words: thinning, Pinus halepensis, Pinus pinea, Palencia, Castilla y León, erosion, thinnings, claras, raleo, protection, underplanting, Quercus

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ETS Ingenierías Agrarias Universidad de Valladolid - Avd. Madrid s/n
34004 - PALENCIA - Localización

INIA-CIFOR - Ctra. A Coruña km 7,5
28040 - MADRID - Localización

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