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Inazio Martínez de Arano, Sara Maltoni, Alvaro Picardo, Sven Mutke et al. (2021) - Non-wood forest products for people, nature and the green economy. Recommendations for policy priorities in Europe. A white paper based on lessons learned from around the Mediterranean. - [Libros]

Hidalgo Rodríguez, Elena (Coordinator); Sevillano, Ignacio (General Editor); Askarieh, Ali; Cudjoe, Eric (Associate Editors) (2020) - XIV TH YOUNG RESEARCHERS MEETING ON CONSERVATION AND SUSTAINABLE USE OF FOREST SYSTEMS - [Libros]

Gregorio Montero, César López-Leiva, Ricardo Ruiz-Peinado, Eduardo López-Senespleda, Raquel Onrubia, María Pasalodos-Tato (2020) - Producción de biomasa y fijación de carbono por los matorrales españoles y por el horizonte orgánico superficial de los suelos forestales - [Libros]

Domènech R., Lepeshkin E., Mutke S., Piqué M., Tracy E. (2020) - Pine nuts in Primorsky Province: Challenges and Opportunities. - [Libros]

Romairone López-Villar, Juan Agustín (2019) - Spatial capture-recapture models for the ecological study of common voles (Microtus arvalis) in NW Spain - [Tesis]

Mediavilla Santos, Olaya (2019) - New insights in the ecology of Boletus edulis to promote its controlled mycorrhization with Cistus ladanifer plants - [Tesis]

Blázquez Casado, Ángela (2019) - Aplicación de imágenes de satélites y datos LiDAR en la modelización de recursos forestales - [Tesis]

Editors: Elena Hidalgo Rodríguez (coordinator); Rodrigo Ramos Fernandez; Jorge López Fernández; Daniel Fernando Guerrero Machado; Sami Mohammed Agami; Leonardo Antunes Salgado Santos; Mª Pilar Valbuena Pérez (2019) - XIIITH YOUNG RESEARCHERS MEETING ON CONSERVATION AND SUSTAINABLE USE OF FOREST SYSTEMS - [Libros]

Espinosa, J.; De La Cruz, A. C.; Madrigal, J.; Guijarro, M.; Carrillo, C.; Diez, C.; Hernando, C. (2018) - Does prescribed burning reduce the amount of inflorescences in conifer forests?: implications for management in pure and mixed Pinus nigra stands - [Libros]

Ruth C. Martín-Sanz (2018) - Evolutionary ecology of fire-adaptive traits in a Mediterranean pine species - [Tesis]

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