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F. Javier Tranque, Armando Herrero, Elena Valera, Sven Mutke (2023) - Producción de pino piñonero injertado en el Vivero Forestal Central de la Junta de Castilla y León - [Artículos]

Mutke, Sven (2022) - Producción y comercio de piñones comestibles en el mundo - [Artículos]

Mutke, Sven Olsson, Sanna Macaya, David Grivet, Delphine Alía, Ricardo Guadaño, Carlos (2022) - La diversidad genética cuantitativa y molecular del pino piñonero, ligada al sur de la Península - [Congresos]

Candel-Pérez D., Hernández-Alonso H., Castro F., Sangüesa‑Barreda G., Mutke S., García‑Hidalgo M., Rozas V., Olano J.M. (2022) - 250-year reconstruction of pollarding events reveals sharp management changes in Iberian ash woodlands - [Artículos]

Michelle Balasso, Sven Mutke, Jonathan P. Sheppard, James Chamberlain (2022) - 13. Forest management for sustainable sourcing of non-timber forest products in a bioeconomy - [Capítulos de libros]

Marko Lovric, Sven Mutke, Elena Górriz Mifsud, Inazio Martinez de Arano, Davide Matteo Pettenella, Enrico Vidale, Irina Prokofieva, Robert Mavsar (2022) - 2. Non-timber forest products and the European bioeconomy: status and transition pathways - [Capítulos de libros]

Inazio Martínez de Arano, Sara Maltoni, Alvaro Picardo, Sven Mutke et al. (2021) - Non-wood forest products for people, nature and the green economy. Recommendations for policy priorities in Europe. A white paper based on lessons learned from around the Mediterranean. - [Libros]

Shestakova T.A.; Mutke S.; Gordo J.; Camarero J.J.; Sin E.; Pemán J.; Voltas J (2021) - Weather as main driver for masting and stem growth variation in stone pine supports compatible timber and nut co-production - [Artículos]

Mutke S. (2021) - Webinar on Non-wood provisioning from Mediterranean forest ecosystems - [Congresos]

Calama R., Gordo J., Mutke S., Conde M., Madrigal G., Garriga E., Arias M.J., Piqué M., Gandía R., Montero G., Pardos M. (2020) - Decline in commercial pine nut and kernel yield in Mediterranean stone pine (Pinus pinea L.) in Spain - [Artículos]


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