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F. Javier Tranque, Armando Herrero, Elena Valera, Sven Mutke (2023) - Producción de pino piñonero injertado en el Vivero Forestal Central de la Junta de Castilla y León - [Artículos]

Candel-Pérez D., Hernández-Alonso H., Castro F., Sangüesa‑Barreda G., Mutke S., García‑Hidalgo M., Rozas V., Olano J.M. (2022) - 250-year reconstruction of pollarding events reveals sharp management changes in Iberian ash woodlands - [Artículos]

Michelle Balasso, Sven Mutke, Jonathan P. Sheppard, James Chamberlain (2022) - 13. Forest management for sustainable sourcing of non-timber forest products in a bioeconomy - [Capítulos de libros]

Marko Lovric, Sven Mutke, Elena Górriz Mifsud, Inazio Martinez de Arano, Davide Matteo Pettenella, Enrico Vidale, Irina Prokofieva, Robert Mavsar (2022) - 2. Non-timber forest products and the European bioeconomy: status and transition pathways - [Capítulos de libros]

Mutke, Sven (2022) - Producción y comercio de piñones comestibles en el mundo - [Artículos]

Mutke, Sven Olsson, Sanna Macaya, David Grivet, Delphine Alía, Ricardo Guadaño, Carlos (2022) - La diversidad genética cuantitativa y molecular del pino piñonero, ligada al sur de la Península - [Congresos]

Shestakova T.A.; Mutke S.; Gordo J.; Camarero J.J.; Sin E.; Pemán J.; Voltas J (2021) - Weather as main driver for masting and stem growth variation in stone pine supports compatible timber and nut co-production - [Artículos]

Mutke S. (2021) - Webinar on Non-wood provisioning from Mediterranean forest ecosystems - [Congresos]

Inazio Martínez de Arano, Sara Maltoni, Alvaro Picardo, Sven Mutke et al. (2021) - Non-wood forest products for people, nature and the green economy. Recommendations for policy priorities in Europe. A white paper based on lessons learned from around the Mediterranean. - [Libros]

Vacik H., Wiersum F., Mutke S., Kurttila M., Sheppard J., Wong J., De Miguel S., Nijnik M., Spiecker H., Miina J., Huber P., Melnykovych M., Tsioras P., Abraham E., Enescu M., Kyriazopoulos A. (2020) - Chapter 4. Considering NWFP in multi-purpose forest management - [Capítulos de libros]


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